What is MCS?

Multiple chemical sensitivity refers to an unusually severe sensitivity to many common chemicals or toxicants. These can include solvents, VOCs, perfumes, petrol, diesel, smoke, and other chemicals, as well as common allergens such as pollen, dust, and pet dander.

Patient reactions to MCS can vary in severity and symptoms, making it difficult to screen for and treat. Currently, the best course of action for sufferers is to note triggering exposures and avoid them. This can be challenging, as many patients are affected by multiple chemicals and new chemicals may lead to a reaction at any point.

Current research

The understanding of MCS is still evolving. Current research delves into related chemical intolerances, physiologic and psychological mechanisms for MCS, demographics, prevalence and distribution of MCS among the population, and new technological advances that may enable more effective treatment of MCS.

Further resources

For more information on MCS, including the latest in education efforts and ongoing research, please see:

Education, Outreach, and Advocacy Resources

For clinicians and clinician/scientists seeking additional context to ensure appropriate diagnosis and care, please refer to:

For clinicians and clinician/scientists seeking continuing education, please visit:


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